What You Should Know About Asthalin Inhaler?

Posted in Category Other
  • Avagrey92 1 month ago

    Asthalin Inhaler contains salbutamol and is a fast-acting bronchodilator, also called a "reliever". It relieves symptoms of asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease such as wheezing and breathlessness.

    It works within minutes to relieve breathing problems and its effects last for several hours. Follow your doctor's instructions for using this medication.

    Asthalin inhaler cipla belongs to a class of medicines called fast-acting bronchodilators or "relievers". It relieves breathing problems caused by asthma and other lung diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

    This medication relaxes the muscles in your airways, widens them, and makes it easier to breathe. It can also reduce your symptoms when they're triggered by exercise or exposure to things that make them worse, such as cold air or cigarette smoke.

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